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The bus transport in the region is provided by PKS Kamień Pomorski Sp. z o. o. For the timetable and other information about the bus operator visit the company website: http://www.pkskamienpom.pl/index.php?lang=pl

The travels to and from Szczecin (to Dziwnówek, Dziwnów and

Międzywodzie) are additionally operated by the company BENKO BUS PRZEWOZY PASAŻERSKIE and the company KSK BUS PRZEWOZY PASAŻERSKIE (which additionally operates the line to Rewal).

For the timetables click on the following links:

https://www.mikrobusy.szczecin.pl/ and http://kskbus.pl/rozklad/

The bus and vans transportation in the region is also provided by the EMILBUS Sp. z o. o. company Przewozy Pasażerskie, which offers the most frequent connections between Kamień Pomorski and Świnoujście. The buses of this operator connect Dziwnów with Kamień Pomorski or Świnoujście (including all stops on the way).

The detailed timetable (considering Dziwnówek, Dziwnów, and Międzywodzie) can be found on the operator’s website:
